Sunday, January 14, 2007

Exploring Flickr! [Thing 5]

This was probably the worst possible blog option for me. I tend to be really indecisive and I couldn't decide on a picture that I wanted to write about. It's taken me literally a week to finally decide on one, and then the one I chose didn't have the "blog this!" option on it. So I decided that I would blog about this photo and then put the links up for the other ones. =]

I chose this photo because when I saw it, I instantly fell in love with it. It reminds me of summer and having fun with my best friend. It reminds me of the feeling of freedom when you know that you can stay out all night and don't have to get up early the next day or when you have the entire day to do whatever you want. I like the color effect as well.

The other photos I chose were:

[1 was my originial choice, but there isnt a blog option with it.]

I love all four of those photos and about 50 million other ones. I now spend a lot of time just browsing Flickr photos.

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